The society we live in is often referred to as the information society, characterized by the information-automation paradigm. But what does “information” really mean?
Information is a basic dimension of reality, alongside mass and energy, that cannot be encompassed within them. This is the conceptual basis of the Skill Poker Index, which we examined in the previous article. But now let’s move on to the practical elaboration of these new theories with this article.
The internet and the development of new digital communication technologies have made it possible for anyone in the world to have immediate access, creating a new way of perceiving, understanding, and interpreting reality. This has led to the adoption of new communication theories, where social action is governed by the psychological need of human beings to relate to others. This has led to the abandonment of social action theories dominated by a priori rationality, in Weberian memory, and the adoption of new communication theories.
Definiton of “Information”
But how is information defined? According to Shannon and Weaver‘s mathematical model, communication is a linear transmission of information encoded by a sender to a decoding-receiving device through a signal that passes through a channel. Another definition of information is defined as “perception of difference” by G. Bateson, observable and measurable. In this perspective, information is not represented by the data itself, but by the probability value that occurs within many combinatorial possibilities among H symbols.
With this understanding of information, the Skill Poker Index seeks to quantify the information acquired during a game of poker.
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